Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Manjusri Mantra; Visualizing Bodhisattva Manjusri

The beauty of Charles Atkins' Mantra Powered Visualization {MPV} [see the book 'Modern Buddhist Healing, A Spiritual Strategy for Transforming Pain, Dis-Ease, and Death,' by Charles Atkins] concept is that it concisely encapsulates the principle of chanting meditation. The practice brings together the body or kaya 身 {shin}, the speech or mukha 口 {ku}, and the brain or manas 意 {I}. The body assumes a meditative posture or ashana 坐 {za} and gesture or mudra 契印 {ge'in} 印契 {ingei}. The voice intones the mantra 呪 {ju} or 眞言 {shingon}; the vibrations of which pulse through the body. The mind is focused on the meditative visualization; known as the mandala 曼拏羅 {mandara} or ishtadevata 本尊 {honzon}.

Manjushri 文殊師利 {wenshushili, monjushiri} is the Mahasattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom. The purpose of chanting Om AH Pa Tsa Na Dhih, the Manjusri Mantra, is to overcome our own confusion or ignorance by cultivating discernment. I use several ways to visualize and "channel" Bodhisattva Manjusri; while chanting Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih. A simple way is to use an image of Manjushri; who is frequently depicted with his right hand holding a double edged flaming sword. His his left hand is holding a lotus flower, upon which rests the Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Discerning Wisdom) Sutra. He is often shown riding a lion.

The lion symbolizes the various defilements or Kleshas {bonno} that obscure our innate Bodhi or Awakened Wisdom. Riding the Lion represents taming of the of the Kleshas. The sword cuts through ignorance and yields the light of discernment. The double edge means that prajna refers to both ordinary intelligence and the discernment to perceive Emptiness and Immediate Constancy. The Lotus and the Perfection of Discernment Book represent Enlightened Wisdom emerging from darkness of confusion. Also, his countenance is generally youthful, indicating the timeless and ageless nature of wisdom; or that eternity exists right here, right now, always. His yellow complexion, the color of gold, means something too.

See also: The Concept of Channeling Monjushiri Bosatsu and The Power of Threes: Three Words for Wisdom

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