Manjushiri Mantra Chanting Videos; Discernment Cultivation

Manjushri Mantra: Om Ah Ra Pa Cha Na Dhi

Prajna means 'for (as in purpose) to know.' in other word, intelligence; the the art and skill of discernment; that which leads to jnana, gnosis, or 'knowing.' I take this, on the more mundane level, as 'critical thinking;' the acquired ability to reason and think clearly; to discriminate or distinguish one object from another, to generalize or see commonalities, to employ deductive or inductive logic, to avoid the traps of logical fallacies, to remain objective or impartial, to accurately comprehend and recall what one is reads or hears, and so on. On a more sublime level, prajna can also mean intuition or insight; the ability to perceive Emptiness (sunatta / shunyata 空 {kong, ku}) and Immediacy or timelessness [akaliko / akalika 無時 {wushih, muji}]. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i appreciate the Manjushri video!