"It is not the behavior but the state of mind motivating the behavior that determines the presence or absence of compassion."~~ Lorne Ladner
Karuna, Buddhist Compassion is not only genuine empathy for the suffering of others, but also the desire and capacity to relieve that suffering. The mood of compassion might be similar to that of authentic blues music. It very much has a quality of sadness or lamentation, but there is also a sense of ironic bliss and redemption. It honestly addresses and defeats the cause of the blues. One way to understand higher mental states is to visualize their opposites. Schadenfreude, cruelty, and sadism are shades of the far opposite of compassion. Pity; which is tinged with contempt and a sense of superiority, is a near opposite. Another thing, empathy for victims of suffering can all too readily morph into resentment of, and enmity toward, real or perceived perpetrators.
In my experience, these chants help arouse a heart felt empathy; which is the basis for karuna or authentic compassion. The chants or songs labeled as mellow also arouse passadhi, a stillness or tranquility; while those labeled as energetic arouse virya; a kind of enthusiastic energy, or vim and vigor.One caution; too much compassion cultivation can make one drippy. It is advisable to balance these exercises with the cultivation of non-attachment {vi-raga}. .
Chenrezig Mantra; Om Mani Padma Hum
Green Tara Mantra: Om Tare Tutare Ture Svaha
Energetic Mellow
Kwan Yin Mantra: Namo Guan Shih Yin Pu Sa Ave Maria / Namo Kwan Shih Yin Pusa
Maha Karuna Dharani
Mellow Short Mantra Short Mantra with Dance Beat
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